Software as a Service

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a subscription based model service from myHR System meaning the business will pay an ongoing subscription fee. To offer our clients in SaaS, we provide an entire computing infrastructure as well as the application they need to perform at work smoothly. The process will be starting from network setup, providing efficient service for problem solving, processing security as well as safeguards against potential intrusion or cyber threat, daily data backup to prevent from unexpected event.

myHR has successfully completed certification to ISO29110, ISO27001 for information management system and service, and also received the security standards for personnel data under PDPA. We ensure our clients with best service and an application security On Cloud base that performs more capacity to make a great impression. The benefit of SaaS will be:

Security & Trust

Nowadays, Data Security System is important as a company’s protective measure put in place to keep from any unauthorized accesses. Since data can generate future benefits and it is the asset that the business has. myHR System can be used to enhance your business data remain confidential and secure, and it is divided into 3 levels; there are Organization Security, Architectural Security, and Data Security. This can ensure the customers that their data is protected and enters a strong data security mindset.


Organization Security

Software as a Service
All employees in the organization have to sign contract to protect confidential information.
Software as a Service
Only the authorized employee is able to access into identified customer data.
Software as a Service
Training all employees to realize and understand data security measure.
Software as a Service
Data Security Policy must be identified by top management.

Architectural Security

Software as a Service
Granted permission to view the employee data is identified and is used differently in each employee level.
Software as a Service
Creating User Role that is ease to manage User Group.
Software as a Service
Able to identify granted permission to access into each menu as required by User Role.
Software as a Service
The system can record the history of data editing, data changing that made by whom and when.

Software as a Service
The system can access into employee important data such as salary, bank account and any other relevant data.
Software as a Service
Access into code of data using AES which has a key length into 256 bits, support the largest bit size.
Software as a Service
Provide to use Protocol HTTPs for secure communication service through the user.
Software as a Service
Able to use with various types of Single Sign On i.e. LDAP, SAML, OPEN ID.

Software as a Service
Support to log into the system with Multi Factor Authentication (MFA).
Software as a Service
Provide SOX model to support User Password Management System.
Software as a Service
Facilitate Web Service in API Model especially to interface with other systems.
Software as a Service
Support to interface with other systems in a secure way of SFTP.

Software as a Service
PDPA Service Center System is designed to control granted permission access into personal data.
Software as a Service
Certify the system from OWASP Standard.

Data Center Security

Software as a Service
Multiple layers of authentication for server area access
Software as a Service
biometric authentication for critical areas
Software as a Service
Camera surveillance systems at key internal and external entry points
Software as a Service
24/7 monitoring by security personnel

Software as a Service
Facilitate Backup system both in data and in application.
Software as a Service
Provide warning message to keep from any unauthorized access and hackers.
Software as a Service
Provide Firewall System in each Server Group to protect against system hackers.
Software as a Service
System Lock is available and can be accepted only using by an authorized IP.

Software as a Service
Using Code for communication between Web Browser and Web Server in term of https.
Software as a Service
Certify with IS0/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 20000-1 Standards.
Software as a Service
Fire Alarm System is provided.
Software as a Service
Contain the system to protect against power shortage.

Software as a Service
Provide Internet link more than one hub.