
(Thai Flagged Catch Certification System)

       Thailand is one of the world largest producers and exporters in fishing and aquatic processed products, and is a leader in fisheries innovation, in such areas as aquaculture certification and post-harvest handling of fish and fishery products to secure export markets in developed countries.  Thailand has established a comprehensive traceability system covering the whole supply chain as well as all modes of transportation to combat IUU (Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated) fishing, in line with international standards. Thai-Flagged Catch Certification System was created to check aquatic animals harvest landed in ports or from aquatic processed products, and to ensure complete product traceability at each and every stage of production, starting from catch landing, processing, and ultimately export are free of any IUU fishing.

       Thai-Flagged Catch Certification System has been developed for tracking catches aboard Thai vessels, and also PPS (Processing Statement System) linked and PSM (Port State Measure) for catches on non-Thai vessels entering Thai ports. The key concept is to create databases for systematically tracking the origin of aquatic animals, as well as to set up the automatic alerting for anomalous inputs being found at any stage, from landing of catch to processing. This is to make sure that the catch has not been engaged in IUU fishing.

       Regarding the traceability system for catches on Thai vessels, the process starts from checking the origin of the catch, cross checking species and weight of the catch as recorded in the logbook against the actual ones recorded during landing, and issuing the Marine Catch Purchasing Document (MCPD). At the processing plant, the quantity of the catch taken out from the lot to be processed or to be exported will be automatically deducted against the original quantity to prevent any inclusion of unchecked aquatic animals into the system. At the last stage, the Catch Certificate to certify IUU-free products will be issued for exportation to a third country.

        By using the electronic system for controlling and traceability aquatic animals catches from Thai vessels and for imported aquatic animals, so database can be linked with various agencies.

      1. Fishing Info System (FI System) is a data linkage of Fishing Vessels, Fishing License Regime, and Fishing Vessel Monitoring System on Thai vessels by using Vessel Monitoring System (VMS).

      2. Thai-Flagged Catch Certificate System can be available to record aquatic animal data and be traceable control of Thai vessels. The government agencies is able for tracking aquatic animal data from the entire production process.

      3. PSM Linked Processing Statement System (PPS) will be used for monitoring imported aquatic animals. The process will start from checking aquatic animals prior to port entry, inspect at the port, and to control checking process of aquatic animals landing to port. Data can be linked between the government agencies i.e. Marine Department, Customs Department includes of the entrepreneurship to improve the transparency from the entire production process.
